OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor. They can be submitted via the site or emailed to [email protected]. Please include your name, address, and phone number for verification. This letter is a response to the Bank of Canada's decision to hike interest rates.
A Bank of Canada representative stated, "We are focusing on inflation not housing prices." Well they should be focusing on housing prices.
The ability to support oneself is a right in this country. And the Bank of Canada is making such impossible.
Perhaps their time would be better spent focusing on the many loopholes that our elected officials leave open for business and the wealthy to allow trillions of dollars to flow out of the country into offshore tax havens. Or ridiculous profit margins and low wages that do not keep in line with prices.
All of our leaders watch these things happen. They have knowingly allowed all of this suffering to happen.
Plug all the holes so money stops flowing out of our economy. Rate hikes are hurting millions of helpless Canadians and not dealing with the real problem: a corrupt economy led by corrupt politicians and big business that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the weak.
Rick Lockman