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LETTER: Orillia sidewalks 'treacherous' for vulnerable seniors

'As taxpayers and citizens of Orillia I believe that the city needs to take some responsibility for the safety of all citizens including vulnerable seniors, says letter writer
A local resident is frustrated about the state of Orillia's sidewalks. This photo was taken recently of the sidewalk along Westmount Drive, near Mary Street.

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

I am writing this letter to express my concerns regarding our current sidewalks in Orillia. In particular the sidewalks on Fittons Road, both east and west of West Street. Both sides have NOT been plowed properly this winter.

As a senior I have found these sidewalks to be very treacherous walking.

Someone is going to get hurt, possibly myself, as I have nearly slipped a few times trying to navigate my way through the snow-covered, very bumpy sidewalks.

Also the corners where the light switches are (to be pushed by pedestrian in order to cross safely) are NOT cleared either and are quite slippery.

As taxpayers and citizens of Orillia I believe that the city needs to take some responsibility for the safety of all citizens including vulnerable seniors.

I hope to see this situation resolved soon and before the snow melts!

Thank you. 

Sharon Baker