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LETTER: Trying to get four-way stop 'gruelling process'

'When is council going support our community safety and help prevent another car accident at the intersection or worse?' asks resident
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OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). OrilliaMatters received the following letter from reader Rachel Baranik on a potential four-way stop at the corner of Mary and Douglas.

It has been a gruelling process working on getting a four way stop at Mary Street and Douglas Street. It is more upsetting that those that don't live even close to the area and are only going by "general rule of thumb" (stop signs being 250 meters apart) are putting a hold on the issue and point for a 4 way stop here. 

Speeding is out of control on residential streets and we are noticing on Mary people exceeding speeds of over the maximum 50km for a residential. People continue to use the street like a run way track. 

We have been reporting speeders to police, sending in videos of speeders and putting out signs (which of course bylaw deems to close to the road) asking drivers to slow down. 

Between McKenzie and O'Brien is a very long straight away with people racing to get downtown or to Westmount. The speeders are all day and night. 

When is council going support our community safety and help prevent ANOTHER car accident at the intersection or worse. We live in a neighbourhood with young families and grandchildren constantly walking, playing and biking around. If installing a stop that brings people's attention to their speed and surrounding then why would council do it. 

We have written petitions, emailed the mayor, email councilmen asking for something to be done. How long does it take to get two signs put in that can make out area that much safer? 

We are seeing more accidents on our roadways, when is Orillia council going to listen to residents concerns of speeding and our request for inexpensive solutions? 

Rachel Baranik 