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Bracebridge mayor vows to be 'effective voice' for municipalities

Graydon Smith was elected president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario at their annual (virtual) general meeting this week
graydon and PM in bracebridge
Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith is shown with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and community members when the PM visited following a disastrous flood. File Photo

On August 18, 2020, at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Annual General Meeting and Annual Conference (held virtually), Mayor Graydon Smith was elected as President of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).

AMO is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to make municipal governments stronger and more effective. Through AMO, Ontario’s 444 municipalities work together to achieve shared goals and meet common challenges.

The mandate of the organization is to support and enhance strong and effective municipal government in Ontario. It promotes the value of the municipal level of government as a vital and essential component of Ontario and Canada's political system.

This mandate is delivered in a many ways, however most importantly is the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between AMO and the Province. The MOU provides the opportunity for municipal input and reaction to provincial policy ideas (pre-consultation) so that they are fully informed as part of any provincial policy making process.

The MOU also includes a protocol that obligates the Province to consult with AMO and municipalities on matters that are of a federal-provincial nature that could affect municipal services and finances.

“I’m extremely honoured to take on this important task, I know I can be an effective voice for all municipalities in our province,” said Mayor Smith. “The last two years as an AMO Executive Board Member in particular has been very valuable, giving me the opportunity to learn greatly from my peers throughout Ontario and putting me in front of gvernment ministers on a regular basis to discuss issues of importance to all Ontario municipalities.”

Smith has been both a Board Member (2014 to 2018) and Executive Board Member (2018 to 2020) of the Association, also serving as Chair of AMO’s Health Task Force and as Chair of Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) since 2018.

He has served on both Town and District of Muskoka Councils since 2006 and is currently in his third term as Mayor of Bracebridge. Smith said he appreciates not only the backing of his local Council, but also that of many colleagues throughout Ontario that supported his election.

Mayor Smith takes over the position from the outgoing President, Mayor Jamie McGarvey of Parry Sound. “I want to thank Mayor McGarvey in demonstrating exceptional leadership during his term as President” said Smith.


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