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Cross-lake swim raises thousands for Orillia Animal Centre (6 photos)

'It was a great event and we're really looking forward to doing it again next year,' says official of event that raised more than $8,800 for OSPCA

A successful fundraiser on Saturday is helping the Ontario SPCA Orillia Animal Centre keep its head above water.

For the first time in its 28-year history, the Sun City Swim raised money for the local centre. As of Monday afternoon, the fundraising total was $8,876.95. That figure is expected to rise as online donations are still coming in.

“We are ecstatic with the amount we raised,” said Carol Beard, manager of the Orillia Animal Centre. “We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.”

Thirty people registered for the event, which saw them swim across Lake Couchiching, from Fern Resort to Couchiching Beach Park. Sun City Swim founder Brenda Jenkins was among them.

“It was a good swim. The weather co-operated. The water was pretty warm,” she said.

Jenkins thanked everyone who had a hand in the event, including swimmers, donors, volunteers and local businesses that provided food and drinks upon the swimmers’ return.

“We couldn’t have done it without them,” she said. “It’s so heart warming for me to see all of the people who care.”

The Ontario SPCA Orillia Animal Centre is already working on ways to make the swim another success in 2020.

“It was a great event and we’re really looking forward to doing it again next year,” said Beard.


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