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Doug Ford will be in Simcoe North today

PC leader will be in Waubaushene at 3:30 and in Barrie at 6 p.m.
2018-05-11 ford and dunlop.jpg
Provincial Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford, shown with Simcoe North candidate Jill Dunlop, will be in the riding today. Ford will be in Waubaushene at 3:30 and in Barrie at 6 p.m.

Ontario Tory leader Doug Ford, the front-runner in polls ahead of the June 7 provincial election, is visiting Simcoe North today.

Ford’s campaign bus and team will stop at the Tay Township Fire Station in Waubaushene (across from the Esso Station) at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. Later today, at 6 p.m., Ford will hold a rally for the party faithful at the Holly Community Centre in Barrie.

In Waubaushene, at the northern end of the riding, Ford will be joined by Simcoe North Progressive Conservative candidate Jill Dunlop, who said she welcomes the visit from the boss.

“I am pleased that Mr. Ford is making this stop so that our local community members have an opportunity to come out and meet him in person,” Dunlop told OrilliaMatters Friday morning.

It will be Ford’s first visit to the riding as he travels the province seeking to win over voters.

When Ford surprised many by winning the March leadership contest that followed former leader Patrick Brown’s ouster, Dunlop said she hoped he would visit Simcoe North.

“I personally don’t know (Ford), so it will be about getting to know him,” Dunlop told OrilliaMatters after Ford’s March 10 win. “He doesn’t know a lot about our riding, either, so I think it would be great to have him up here and to see the great things we’re doing … and things we need more provincial funding for, so that’s what I will be trying to do.”

Dunlop had originally backed Brown and then threw her support behind perceived front-runner Christine Elliott.

Despite that, she is solidly behind Ford now.

“I think the party has spoken and … it’s exciting for the party to have a new leader,” said Dunlop.


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