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Free webinars to explore green investing, electric vehicles, climate change

Sustainable Orillia Month offering a variety of free webinars
The growth and future of electric vehicles is the focus of one of the free webinars being presented during Sustainable Orillia Month. (via Shutterstock)

It’s Sustainable Orillia Month and to mark the occasion, Sustainable Orillia is offering a variety of webinars.

Green Chip Investing Webinar

This webinar will be of special interest to people who want to align their investment portfolio with their principles of a cleaner environment.

During this presentation, you will meet Jackie Ramler, Portfolio Manager with Raymond James, Executive Wealth Advisors. With a degree in environmental sciences/political sciences, she brings a unique perspective to investment management.

Ramler supports her clients who want to “clean up” their portfolios and support companies that represent positive change in reduced carbon footprint, zero waste to landfill, diversified boards, and that provide fair/safe work environments for their employees. Capitalism for Good.

You can expect to learn:

  • How to align your investment portfolio with your values,
  • Come to understand the concept of supporting Sustainable Capitalism,
  • How “cleaner” portfolios have outperformed the TSX (Toronto) the past few years.

Plan to tune in for Green Chip Investing on Wednesday Oct. 14 at 6 p.m. Please go to for registration details.

Everything You Want to Know About Electric Vehicles 101

This webinar will be of special interest to people who are curious about electric vehicles and want to know:

  • What the advantages are to driving an electric vehicle,
  • What the options are to go electric in their next vehicle purchase,
  • Where information for a prospective buyer can be found.

During this presentation, you will meet Kenneth Bokor, the creator, producer and host of a YouTube Channel called “The EV Revolution Show”, whose objective is to provide education and awareness of the electric vehicle marketplace to consumers.

His shows provide a mix of news-style reporting, electric vehicle reviews as well as coverage of related events. He has achieved over 13,000 subscribers with more than a million views.

Bokor, a resident of Caledon, is also a member of the Electric Vehicle Society and the Caledon Chapter Lead. He participates in many other volunteer community outreach initiatives, including talks about how EVs can fit in people’s lives, and works with his local municipality on their Climate Change Action Plan.

Expect to learn what electric vehicles are all about and why they are becoming “mainstream” with wide adoption worldwide.

Plan to tune in for “Everything you want to know about electric vehicles 101” on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. Please register at for connection details.

Climate Change in the Time of Pandemic

This webinar will be of special interest to people:

  • Who know there is a climate crisis and who want to understand the relationship with COVID 19 and our changing economy
  • Who want up to date information on the climate crisis
  • Who want to be reminded of what we can still do to mitigate climate change and still manage through COVID

This webinar is by Mark Maslin FRGS, FRSA is a professor of climatology at University College London.

Maslin is a leading scientist with particular expertise in past global and regional climatic change and has published over 165 papers in journals such as Science, Nature, and The Lancet. 

His areas of scientific expertise include causes of past and future global climate change and its effects on the global carbon cycle, biodiversity, rainforests and human evolution. He also works on monitoring land carbon sinks using remote sensing and ecological models and international and national climate change policies.

You can expect to learn that climate change is the most critical issue facing the world in the 21st century. Everyone agrees we must keep global warming to under 2°C or under 1.5°C if possible. But how can we do this while dealing with the other great challenges of our age: pandemics, poverty, security, population growth, and environmental degradation. Climate change seems too big to deal with but Mark Maslin shows how we can rebuild the global economy after covid-19 and save our planet from climate change while still improving everyone’s lives.

This webinar will be initially available the following days and times:

  • Tuesday Oct 13 at 7 p.m.,
  • Thursday Oct 15 at 3 p.m.,
  • Wednesday Oct 21 at 3 p.m. and
  • Wednesday, Oct 28 at 7 p.m.

Please register at for connection details.

There is no charge to participate in any of these webinars. If you can’t catch it the first time, the recording will be available for future viewing via Sustainable Orillia’s website.

Join other local people who care about the future of our community for a valuable hour of new and useful information, followed by questions and answers.



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