The Orillia chapter of the Ganaraska Hiking Club went to the Queen Elizabeth Wildlands Provincial Park on Saturday and 14 hikers enjoyed the 8.5-kilometre hike, which scrambled up and down lichen and moss-covered rocks, crossed five streams, bypassed swampy areas, traversed many beaver dams, and generally presented what is termed a “difficult” hike.
The pictures show the terrain fairly accurately.
The first beaver dam was typical - slightly muddy, but reasonably sturdy footing was available.
The rocky crevice descent was aided by the conveniently placed birch tree where the hiker demonstrates the technique of passing off her poles, enabling her to use both hands to let herself down.
The upstream beaver dam actually was one of a series of dams up the creek; they were recently constructed, not quite packed in with mud as yet. These beavers are serious.
This hike is the sort of hike that keeps us coming back for more.
Of course, not all hikes are “difficult”. The club offers a good variety of hikes, several times a week. Anyone is welcome to join in.
For details, see our website.