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How much did the mayor and city councillors earn in 2018?

Coun. Mason Ainsworth claims the most expenses in 2018
2018-12-03 council inaugurated
Orillia’s city council for 2018-2022 was inaugurated late last year. In the back row, from left: Ted Emond, Mason Ainsworth, Mayor Steve Clarke, Rob Kloostra, David Campbell and Tim Lauer. In the front row: Jay Fallis, Pat Hehn and Ralph Cipolla. Dave Dawson/OrilliaMatters

What is the cost of local government?

Orillia’s municipal treasurer provided a summary of the amount of money paid to elected officials Monday night and reported the amount of expenses they claimed and how much money was paid of members of civic boards in 2018.

In total, the mayor and members of council were paid $391,270.10. These numbers reflect 2018, which is why the number is a bit lower for the two councillors who did not seek re-election and substantially lower for the councillors who replaced them.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Steve Clarke (Mayor) - $82,728.66
  • Mason Ainsworth - $38,567.68
  • David Campbell - $3,155.55
  • Ralph Cipolla - $38,567.68
  • Jeff Clark - $35,412.13 
  • Ted Emond - $38,567.68
  • Jay Fallis - $3,155.55
  • Pat Hehn - $38,567.68
  • Robert Kloostra - $38,567.68
  • Tim Lauer - $38,567.68
  • Sarah Valiquette-Thompson - $35,412.13

The city’s elected politicians also were paid, in total, $7,989.50 for various expenses.

The money was used, typically, for items such as business cards and for travel and related expenses to attend out-of-town meetings.

Sarah Valiquette-Thompson claimed zero expenses, while Mason Ainsworth topped the expense list, claiming $3,183.44 in expenses.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Steve Clarke - $3,061.46
  • Mason Ainsworth - $3,183.44
  • David Campbell - $43.25
  • Ralph Cipolla - $517.42
  • Jeff Clark - $538.86
  • Ted Emond - $43.41
  • Jay Fallis - $43.25
  • Pat Hehn - $43.25
  • Rob Kloostra - $471.91
  • Tim Lauer - $43.25
  • Sarah Valiquette-Thompson - $0

In addition, members of boards were paid $23,692.55 for their service in 2018. That number included honorariums and, in some cases, expenses to travel to and attend conferences.


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