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Information sessions planned for Community Wellbeing Survey

Two sessions planned for City Hall on May 29
2018-03-05 Wellbeing Index
Bryan Smale, of the University of Waterloo, speaks at city hall during the recent kickoff of the Community Wellbeing Survey. Nathan Taylor/OrilliaMatters




Come out and learn more about the Canadian Index of Wellbeing Project - Community Wellbeing Survey.

Information Orillia, which is the project lead, will be holding two open information sessions on May 29.

Representatives from the not-for-profit sector, community organizations and residents in general from Orillia and area are invited to attend these sessions and learn more about the value of the survey information.

Sessions will be held May 29 in the Council Chamber at City Hall on 50 Andrew St. S., between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., as well as between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

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