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LETTER: Event organizer thankful for help in raising $3,600 for Me to We

Orillia Musicians Supporting Change: Benefit Concert & Silent Auction a hit
handwriting graphology letter

OrilliaMatters received the following letter from Abby Taher in response to the support of her recent event that raised money for Me to We initiatives in Kenya.


A few weeks ago, on July 14th, Orillia Musicians Supporting Change: Benefit Concert & Silent Auction event was held at the Geneva Event Centre.

We had an incredible turnout and through donations, silent auction items and ticket sales, over $3,600 has been raised for Me to We’s education initiatives in rural Kenyan communities. 

I am so grateful for Orillia’s support and generosity that allowed the event to be such a success.

My gratitude is extended to everyone who attended, donated and believed in my project from the very beginning.

Thank you to the performers Madden & McNiven, Brassworks, VK and Danny Webster for sharing their talents and creating a wonderful ambience for the night. 

As well, a huge thank you goes to all of the silent auction donors who provided a wide variety of items, to Don Porter of the Geneva Event Centre who donated his venue, to Alleycats for supporting the event through selling tickets and making a donation towards our sound costs and to Sunshine 89 for the radio interview. 

Lastly, thank you to Kevin Gangloff of the Orillia Youth Centre for all of his help and support planning the event.  I could not have asked for a better person to guide me as I worked through all of the different parts of planning the event. 

I cannot express how excited I am to see the impact that our community will make for students in Kenya as they pursue their education.

Abby Taher


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