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LETTER: Teachers' union 'wasting' court's time, money

ETFO should not 'trigger' court actions on a subject that does not effect teachers' work conditions or income: Reader
2018-07-20 Sex-Ed Rally 4 RB
Erica Smith holds a sign at the Rally for Sex Ed at Meridian Place in downtown Barrie, prior to the provincial election. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

OrilliaMatters has received the following letter to the editor from Konrad Brenner related to the ETFO seeking a court order to stop the province to reverting to old sex education curriculum.

It has been reported that the Elementary Teachers Federation or Ontario filed, on Sept. 4, 2018, an action in the Ontario Superior Court asking the Court to stop the move back to the old sex education curriculum.

It is acceptable for the Federation to object to a change in the curriculum but inappropriate to waste the court’s time and money on an educational policy matter. It is the duty of the teachers to teach and the function and the duty of the Legislature and the school boards to set education policy.

The Federation’s job is to protect the working conditions and the income of the teachers. The Federation should not trigger court actions on a subject that does not effect the teachers’ work conditions or income.

Konrad Brenner
Ramara Township




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