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Local businesses celebrated by chamber of commerce (26 photos)

Business Achievement Awards handed out Thursday night

Local businesses and individuals that go the extra mile were recognized for their accomplishments Thursday night.

The annual Orillia District Chamber of Commerce Business Achievement Awards were handed out at the Hawk Ridge Golf and Country Club.

While 30 awards were presented, chamber president Dean Beers gave a shout-out to all businesses that contribute to the community.

“That’s what makes this community so great,” he said.

Steve Clarke acknowledged the sacrifices business owners have to make to be successful, and he should know. The restaurateur-turned-mayor told the crowd their efforts are not in vain.

“With luck and hard work, it pays off,” he said.

The award winners were as follows:

Entrepreneurial Initiative

125 Breakfast Club

The Cheesy Pickup

Orillia Rama Regional Airport

Leadership in Training

Back to Function

Kubota Materials Canada Corporation

Company Expansion

Gotta Go Travel TPI


Site Enhancement — New Construction

The Orsi Group


Dr. Peggy Wong

Technological Advancement

City of Orillia


Site Enhancement — Reno and Upgrade

Studabakers Beachside

2wozer01ne Grill and Game Bar


Refillery District

EDI Inc.


Lock Stock and Barrel (40 years)

Aknor Construction Company Ltd. (40 years)

Strengthening Our Communities

Orillia and District Agricultural Society


Regional Economic Development

Horseshoe Resort

Customer Service

The Shock Doctors

Wes Brennan Construction

Mark Adams — Home Hardware Building Centre

Rebuilding Orillia

Glass Lighting Gallery

Charles Pachter

Marketing and Promotion

Jordan Rossman

Hats Off

Mike Bunn

Apple Blossom Village

Michelle Laframboise


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