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Local green prescription pilot project proves power of nature

Green Rx project aimed at improving the mental and physical health of people had doctors prescribing 'time in nature'
2022 05 17 lawn-grass-weeds-pexels-lisa-fotios-167570

The South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre (SGBCHC) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its Green Prescription (Green Rx) pilot project, an initiative designed to enhance health and well-being by prescribing “time in nature.” Funded by the Collingwood General and Marine Hospital Foundation’s Wellness Innovation Fund and supported by various community partners, the project has yielded impressive results.

Launched in September 2022, the Green Rx pilot project aimed to improve the mental and physical health of individuals in the South Georgian Bay region. Over the course of eight months, healthcare providers at the SGBCHC prescribed nature-based activities to a random, non-biased sample of 40 participants. These individuals received information about local nature programs and walking trails and were given community trail maps. The project also included coordinated group activities such as guided nature walks and snowshoeing, facilitated by Free Spirit Tours.

The findings from the post-survey of the Green Rx pilot project show its positive impact on participants' mental health and well-being:

  • 78.6 per cent felt healthier after participating in Green Rx activities
  • 80 per cent added 30-60 minutes to their outdoor activities
  • 82 per cent spent more time outdoors due to Green Rx
  • 100 per cent would recommend outdoor time to family and friends
  • 88 per cent became more aware of local programs and parks

The survey also highlighted significant health improvements, with participants reporting reduced stress, better sleep, less anxiety, and increased happiness.

Jennie Elmslie from Free Spirit Tours highlighted the social benefits of the project: “Guided hikes have fostered a sense of togetherness and camaraderie among community members, providing solace, clarity, and a sense of wonder. We have witnessed the gratitude and sense of accomplishment that people show at the end of a hike, whether it’s snowshoeing or walking.”

Healthcare providers also observed positive changes to those who participated in the Green Rx pilot project, noting improvements in mood and a greater receptiveness to feedback.

Additionally, participants reported engaging in activities such as weekly walks with neighbours,which contributed to a noticeable boost in their self-esteem.

“We are delighted with the outcomes of the Green Prescription pilot project. The collaboration with our healthcare providers and community partners has been instrumental in making this initiative a success. Seeing the positive impact on participants reaffirms our commitment to encouraging the integration of nature as a form of health therapy,” said Heather Klein Gebbinck, executive director of the SGBCHC.

The SGBCHC will continue to offer nature-based and social prescribing programs throughout the year, for all community members at no cost. “Offering year-round, community-wide nature-based programs has fostered a sense of belonging and helped to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms among participants. By listening to our community’s needs and wants, we've created workshops like art in the park, mindfulness sessions, walking groups, and gardening 101 to enhance nature-based experiences. Our goal is to make these programs accessible and barrier-free, offering everyone the chance to be social and enjoy nature," said Lauren Jeffrey,
Community Program Coordinator at the SGBCHC.

Beginning in September, the SGBCHC will be offering forest therapy walks and snowshoeing, in partnership with Free Spirit Tours. The dates and locations for these activities include:

  • Sept. 12, noon - Metcalfe
  • Oct. 17, 10 a.m. - Oakview Trail
  • Nov. 16, 10 a.m. - Bygone Days Farm
  • Dec. 18, noon - Petun
  • Jan. 11, 10 a.m. - Stayner Echo Park
  • Feb. 17, 10 a.m. - Metcalfe
  • March 5, noon - Oakview Trail

For more information about the upcoming programs, please contact Lauren Jeffrey, SGBCHC Community Program Coordinator by email. To register for a program at the SGBCHC, please click here.



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