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Local students learn the art of reconciliation (8 photos)

Artist works with Harriett Todd students to create art honouring Seven Grandfather teachings: Bravery, honesty, humility, love, respect, truth and wisdom

The excitement was stirring when the Indigenous students of Harriett Todd were informed that an Ojibwe artist, Michael Cywink, was going to come to their school for a week to paint the Seven Grandfathers on large canvases.  

The ground work began with the Indigenous students from grades 3-8 meeting and recognizing that they needed to have more artists to work on the art project. Students were excited to be able to invite some of their friends to work with them, they were looking forward to sharing the grandfather teachings, talk about their culture and to take part in smudging.  

The students were asked what grandfather ‘spoke’ to them and then broke into groups, mixing the younger grades with the older and Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.

Groups viewed different Ojibwe art images and decided which one they would like to paint on the large canvas. The groups drew their ideas of what could be incorporated on the canvas and the colours.  

A copy was made onto a transparency and placed on an overhead projector to place on the 4 X 5-foot canvas.

When the image was on the canvas, the students collaborated on the design, deciding on what else was to be part of their art piece - such as footprints, flowers, landscape, medicine wheel and colour.

Participants, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, all described the learning experience as powerful.  

They appreciated the opportunity to work together in a true act of reconciliation to share the teachings and learn from one another.

Students wish to extend their appreciation to Rosanne Irving and artist Michael Cywink for their leadership and assistance with this project. They enjoyed getting to know them and learned many lessons during the process.

The students canvasses were focused on the Seven Grandfather Teachings: Bravery, honesty, humility, love, respect, truth and wisdom.

“Cultural arts projects are important for youth to experience,” says Michael Cywink.

“Colour heals and so does art. Our youth need the opportunity to let their creativity guide their growth and healing," said the artist.

“I am honoured to be a part of this project,”, said Cywink. “Students worked together respectively, and in harmony, a true form of reconciliation.” 

The seven large canvasses are waiting to be hung in the school library, where they will be on display for all guests and students to enjoy for years to come.



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