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Looking for a way to keep your kids reading this summer?

Registration for Summer Reading Club starts Saturday at Orillia library
2018-06-13 Orillia library staff
Staff at the Orillia Public Library are excited for the upcoming TD Summer Reading Club. Supplied photo


Summer reading time is nearly here, and we are ready with clubs, programs, and prizes for all ages.

The registration for the TD Summer Reading Club opens with fanfare this Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. in the Children’s Department. The club is free, and open for people ages newborn to 18. Registrants can pick up a log book and an armload of books. Our club members read, then tell us what they’ve read, then repeat that pattern all summer.

Don’t tell the kids, but this will keep their literacy levels high all summer while they are out of school. When members tell us what they’ve been reading each week, they get a prize, thanks to the Orillia Lions Club. Imagine! A weekly prize, just for talking to their librarian!

For our Snapchatting patrons, reporting can happen instantly with snaps sent to our Orillia Library account – and entered into draws to win prizes (one in five will win). Bonus!

We have programs for ages 0-13. Free, early literacy storytimes take place on Mondays for the under-three crowd, and Tuesdays for the 3-6 year-old friends. For kids 6-13, we have camp-style programs that run in the morning, or the afternoon on Wednesday and Thursdays. These programs are $10 for the seven-week session. Our website has all the details, or call us at 705-325-2559.

We don’t stop summer reading at age 18. Adults can join the Hot Readers this summer, and tell us about their books for a chance to win amazing gift baskets. Not sure where to start? How about the Big Read – our annual community reading bonanza, with a title reveal on the first day of summer, June 21.

Call us any time. We love to answer questions. It’s our business! 705-325-2338, or email [email protected], or direct-message us through Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram.



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