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Mayor, doctor stress safety of new assessment centre location

'There are absolutely zero safety concerns in this space and having recreational activities on the other side,' says doctor who heads up assessment centre
mayor steve clarke with dr kim mcintosh
Orillia Mayor Steve Clarke and Dr. Kim McIntosh, who heads up the local COVID-19 Assessment Centre, stress the centre's new home is safe. Contributed photo

Orillia Mayor Steve Clarke and Dr. Kim McIntosh, medical director at the Couchiching COVID-19 Assessment Centre, want to assure the community that the centre's new location is safe.

In a video message to the community, the mayor acknowledges that some people have expressed concerns that the appointment-only testing centre has been moved to Rotary Place, where many people come to play hockey and figure skate.

"Some have expressed concerns," conceded Clarke, who noted "in times of crisis, we need to listen to professionals."

He said the city, Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital officials and assessment centre officials scrutinized several locations in the city and determined Rotary Place is "the best location" for the testing centre. The region's health unit agreed.

McIntosh said she has no safety concerns about the Rotary Place location.

"There are absolutely zero safety concerns in this space and having recreational activities on the other side," said the local doctor, whose kids enjoy recreational programs in Orillia.

She said not only does the new location alleviate traffic concerns related to huge lineups at the former site at the hospital, this location - indoors - will be much better as the temperatures drop.

She said the assessment centre has a dedicated entry/exit and dedicated parking separate from that used by Rotary Place users. She noted the assessment centre space, on the rink not being used this year, is sealed off from the other rink where activities are happening.

The mayor stressed the centre is operated by "dedicated health-care professionals whose No. 1 concern is the health and safety of our community."

Click here to watch the video.



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