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Nasal spray flu vaccine added to provincial immunization program

FluMist added to help address increased demand for vaccine
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Your local healthcare providers are working closely together to meet the needs of the community to ensure an adequate supply of influenza vaccines for all. Even if you are healthy, getting immunized is your best defence against the flu. By limiting community spread of influenza, hospitals and healthcare providers will have the resources they need to tackle the rising burden of COVID-19. 

This year has seen significantly higher demand for flu vaccinations than ever before. FluMist, the nasal spray flu vaccine, has now been added to the publicly funded Ontario Universal Influenza Immunization Program (UIIP) 2020-2021 to meet the increased demand. 


FluMist has been proven to be effective and has the support of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). It is administered as a fine spray into each nostril. FluMist protects against four strains of the flu: two A strains and two B strains. It is a live-attenuated vaccine, and contains weakened viruses that are sensitive to high temperatures and can only replicate inside of the nose where the body temperature is lower. The viruses cannot infect the lungs or other areas of the body due to higher body temperatures. 

Common side effects are similar to the injectable vaccine, which include a runny nose, nasal congestion, headache or low-grade fever and fatigue. These usually resolve on their own after a few days. 


FluMist is a needle-free immunization to safely and effectively protect against the flu. Generally healthy individuals between the age of 5 to 59 years old (eg. school-age children, adolescents, post-secondary students and adults) should consider getting immunized at local pharmacies where available. 

Some individuals may not be eligible to receive FluMist. Your healthcare provider may have additional questions if you belong to the following groups: 

  • Over 59 years old 
  • Immunocompromised individuals (eg. HIV/AIDS or cancer) 
  • Receiving medications that could weaken your immune system (eg. chemotherapy, steroid-type medications)
  • Children < 18 years old taking aspirin-containing products  
  • Uncontrolled asthma 
  • Pregnant women 


The injectable vaccine is still available for those individuals over 59 years, those with weakened immune systems, and those on the above list who do not qualify for FluMist. 

Many primary care providers, such as your doctor’s or nurse practitioner’s office, have a limited supply of injectable vaccines. Please call them to schedule an appointment or to inquire about upcoming clinics. 

Local pharmacies are still receiving limited orders of the injectable vaccine, but have little control over the quantity they receive. Please call ahead to verify their stock and to schedule an appointment. 


Please continue practicing social distancing, frequent hand washing, and wear a mask when entering buildings. Anyone with respiratory symptoms should consider receiving a COVID-19 test, stay at home and wait until symptoms have fully resolved before attending vaccination appointments or clinics to reduce possible transmission to the public and healthcare providers. 

If you are receiving FluMist, please wear a mask to your appointment. You will be asked to remove the mask only for a few seconds while the vaccine is administered. Please refrain from talking during this time, and put your mask back on as soon as the spray has been given. The pharmacist will be wearing PPE (mask, face shield and gloves) and there are increased cleaning measures in between each patient. 

Hospital staff and your local healthcare providers: physicians, nurse practitioners and pharmacists are working as a united team to do everything they can to provide access to vaccinations to all patients and members of the community through these difficult times. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. 

Written by Elaine Dinh, BSc. PharmD. RPh, on behalf of the Couchiching Pharmacist Network



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