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Patience pays off for strawberry lovers

Berries are finally here for the picking after late start to season
2019-07-02 picking strawberries
Jayden Allin, 16, and her brother, Aiden Allin, 6, were picking strawberries Tuesday at Ego's on Horseshoe Valley Road. Nathan Taylor/OrilliaMatters

It took longer than Bryan Ego had hoped, but the strawberry season is finally here.

“This is one of the latest we’ve ever had,” Ego said at his Horseshoe Valley Road farm. “In a normal year, the pick-your-own season would be winding down right now.”

But this year has been far from normal. Cool temperatures and too much rain delayed the season.

Ego opened his pick-your-own field last Thursday and he’s hoping to get another 10 days or so out of the crop.

“We’re finally hitting the main part of the season for our farm. Some others are still a bit behind,” he said.

Customers had to wait longer this season to get into the strawberry patches, but their patience is paying off.

“It’s been very busy,” Ego said.

Jon Allin and two of his kids were taking advantage of the nice weather Tuesday to load up on strawberries.

They stock up every year and try to pick enough strawberries to last them for months.

“We’ll be back again next week,” Allin said.

He wants his kids to appreciate where their food comes from, and picking strawberries together is a great way to do that.

“It’s fun when you see them get so excited about it,” he said.


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Nathan Taylor

About the Author: Nathan Taylor

Nathan Taylor is the desk editor for Village Media's central Ontario news desk in Simcoe County and Newmarket.
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