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POEM: Global pandemic has 'tainted us with fear'

Orillia woman, inspired by impacts of pandemic, pens poem calling for a 'deep inner shift to help us be healed
wendy head shot (3)
Wendy Passmore, inspired by the pandemic, has penned a poem about the impact of COVID-19.

Wendy Passmore, an Orillia resident who provides spiritual care, has penned a poem reflecting on the far-reaching impact of the global pandemic.


Well 2020 has been quite a year

Uncertainty about COVID has tainted us with fear

Our lives re-created as we are sequestered away

No going to work, to dinner or out just to play


For some, financial disaster with hopes and dreams shattered

For others the isolation has taken away all that mattered

Our prayers truly go out to those who suffer

And may we be open to act as a buffer


Can any possible good come from all of this?

In this season that is supposed to be filled with such bliss

“What is really important?” a question now often asked

Our vulnerabilities and state of relationships being unmasked


A call to be quiet, to reflect and just be

Which is a challenge to my doing that I think has made me, me

To be at home with myself is a divine invitation

To go deep, to relax and to know I am a unique creation


Perhaps now a time to ponder my priorities in life

What can I change or let go of to end inner strife

Or to allow memories to surface as I engage my life review

Receiving grace to forgive and to celebrate me as I rise renewed


So many are hurting in this time of duress

May we find new ways to help to relieve so much stress!

And may we also reflect on what is being revealed

Perhaps a deep inner shift to help us be healed

Wendy Passmore has a private practice in retreat and spiritual direction, serving faith communities and beyond. At present, meditations and other spirituality programs via Zoom are being offered weekly. For more information, contact Wendy: [email protected]


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