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Poll: Who is more open to adults trick-or-treating?

After a certain age, should Hallowe'en fun be restricted to doling out candy at the door? Is there an age that you are supposed to grow out of it - and, if so, what is that age supposed to be?
The Glen WIlliams Pumpkin Walk took visitors down pathways lit by the glow of pumpkins.

After a certain age, should Hallowe'en fun be restricted to doling out candy at the door? Is there an age that you are supposed to grow out of it - and, if so, what is that age supposed to be?

Readers have differing views in an online poll last week. Some 5,085 of you participated. 

A small majority agreed on the idea of a maximum age, though there were differences about what that age should be:

Women were much more open to the idea of all-ages trick-or-treating than men:

And the younger the reader, the more open they were to the idea:

NDP and Green voters were more tolerant of adult trick-or treaters, Liberal and PC voters less so:

Households with kids under 18 were more positive:

Broken down geographically, there wasn't a strong northern/southern or small city/big city divide, but you can see that chart here.

And in a series of semi-random poll mashups, we can see that openness to all-ages trick-or-treating correlates to positive views about tattoos, and vice versa.


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