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Popular plant sale will be held May 26

Oro Horticultural Society event has been a must-attend event for green thumbs since 1974


The Oro Horticultural Society’s popular Plant Sale has been a mainstay on the local spring calendar since 1974. All the plants are donated by members of the Society’s members.

Last year, the Oro Horticultural Society celebrated its 50th anniversary. It has deep roots in the community and continues to blossom. Today, the club has more than 200 adult members. More than 150 youth members are active in Garden Clubs at local schools.

The Society is active. Members plant and care for eight different gardens in the municipality as well as the Barbara Stoddart garden at Guthrie Public School.

In addition, the Oro Horticultural Society hosts its annual Country Garden Tour each July; the popular event attracts upwards of 200 visitors to the sites. It is an excellent way for gardeners to actually see the challenges and triumphs within our diverse township.

On top of that, the organizations hold eight meetings a year, three flower shows and a Youth Flower Show in December. Guests are always welcome to enjoy our varied and informative speakers. We also hold workshops throughout the year.

“Our many, cheerful, energetic and enthusiastic volunteers share the experience of working together to improve our communities where we live,” said Bruce Gillespie.

Currently, the group is busy planning this year’s Plant Sale, which will be held May 26. Viewing begins at 9:30 a.m. and the sale starts at 10 a.m. at the Oro Fairgrounds. There will be plenty of volunteers to help with purchases and Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions and provide advice. This is a cash-only event.

For further info, please check out our website at or if you have questions please contact us at [email protected].



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