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Senior women to reflect on beauty, love, and aging in Orillia play

'We intertwine these myths of Venus with our own lives and experiences in these often-hilarious vignettes in the show,' says Orillia actress Rita Shelton Deverell

The Orillia Opera House is one of only four venues to be hosting a unique show celebrating love, beauty, and the wisdom of older women ... coming to Orillia Sept. 29.

The show, Disarming Venus, is a product of Act 3 Theatre. Orillia's Rita Shelton Deverell, an Order of Canada recipient, actor and Chancellor of Lakehead University, is featured in the play. 

“Act 3 Theatre was founded by Marni Walsh," said Deverell. "It started during the first pandemic lockdown, and there were two criteria for membership: you had to be a woman over the age of 55, and you had to be a professional writer and/or actor.”

The group started virtually.

“We met on Zoom every two weeks right until that lockdown ended, then we met in person. These meetings were a chance to read our material to others and get feedback and critique. Then, it turned into writing from prompts and developing a collective script," said Deverell.

"Disarming Venus was born from this.”

The show is written and acted by 13 older women, Deverell included. These women share their unique perspectives on beauty, love, and aging during a visit to a Venus Exhibit at an art museum.

There is comedy, drama, music, laughter, and even puppetry, in the form of puppet Dr. Beryl Freud, brought to life by master puppeteer Nina Keogh, of Mr. Dressup fame. 

“We talk about the mythology of Venus, from de Milo, to Botticelli, and the theme of my part of the play, Black Venus, which is a very tragic and distressing story that has only recently become known," explained Deverell.

"I felt it was very important that this be included in the play,” said Deverell. “We intertwine these myths of Venus with our own lives and experiences in these often-hilarious vignettes in the show.”

She said the work is a passion project.

“It’s been splendid working with these amazing women. We have been actively working on the show since January, but really started last September," explained Deverell.

"We debuted to a sell-out crowd at the Toronto Fringe Festival in early July, and during September we are taking the play to Collingwood, Orangeville and, of course, Orillia. It’s been incredible to see the audience reaction to it," she said.

In addition to writing and acting in the show, Deverell also heads up the Q and A conversations with the audience after the show.

“I had told director Marianne McIsaac to keep my acting parts a little lighter, as I have such a busy fall, but that I would be happy to take on some admin tasks and to spearhead these conversations after the show, which I very much enjoy,” she said.

Disarming Venus is playing at the Orillia Opera House Studio Theatre at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 29. There are only 100 tickets available. You can get your ticket at


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