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Three more Orchard Park students test positive for COVID

The three new cases are among 36 new cases being reported in Simcoe-Muskoka today; 9 people from Simcoe County are in hospital due to COVID
2020-07-28 SMDHU offices 3
The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit offices are located on Sperling Drive in north-end Barrie. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit has reported 36 new COVID-19 cases since yesterday - including three youth in Orillia connected to the growing outbreak at Orchard Park Elementary School.

Included in the new cases reported on Oct. 8 are 17 unvaccinated individuals, three partially vaccinated people, and 16 fully vaccinated people.

The new cases reported in the region today are as follows: 

  • Orillia (3): Three youth under 18 years old whose cases are outbreak-related.
  • Collingwood (2): One person between 18 and 34 years old and one person between 35 and 44 years old. Both cases are still under investigation. 
  • Clearview (1): One person between 35 and 44 years old whose case is still under investigation. 
  • Wasaga Beach (1): One person between 45 and 64 years old whose case transmission is still under investigation. 
  • Barrie (9): Three youth under 18 years old, one person between 18 and 34 years old, one person between 35 and 44 years old, one person between 45 and 64 years old, two people between 65 and 79 years old, and one person over 79 years old. One case transmission is linked to travel, three are linked to close contact transmission, and one case is listed as community-acquired (no known link). There are four cases still under investigation. 
  • Innisfil (3): One youth under 18 years old, one person between 18 and 34 years old, and one person between 45 and 64 years old. One case is linked to close contact, one case is listed as community-acquired, and one is still under investigation. 
  • Bradford (3): Two youth under 18 years old and one person between 18 and 34 years old. The youth cases are outbreak-related and the other case is still under investigation. 
  • Essa (2): One person between 18 and 34 years old and one person between 45 and 64 years old. One case is linked to close contact and the other is still under investigation.
  • New Tecumseth (7): One person between 18 and 34 years old, one person between 35 and 44 years old, four people between 45 and 64 years old, and one person between 65 and 79 years old. Three cases are linked to close contact and the rest are still under investigation. 
  • Muskoka District (5): Three cases in Bracebridge, one case in Huntsville, and one case in Gravenhurst. 

There are currently 154 active cases in the region. 

Nine people from Simcoe County, and one person from Muskoka District are hospitalized with COVID-19. There have been three new hospitalizations since yesterday's report.

Since the start of the pandemic, the local health unit has confirmed 13,650 cases of COVID-19 with 13,235 of those cases recovered and 261 cases ending in death. 

According to the health unit, 80 per cent of the population 12 years and older living in Simcoe-Muskoka have received both doses of vaccine and 85.3 per cent have had at least one dose of a vaccine.

Approximately 25 per cent of the total population of Simcoe-Muskoka (including children) is unvaccinated and 70.1 per cent is fully vaccinated. 

School outbreaks

There are four school outbreaks in the region.

An outbreak at Orchard Park Elementary School in Orillia declared Oct. 5, now involves seven COVID cases (up from four reported yesterday). The school board reported two classrooms have been closed.

St. Marie of the Incarnation Catholic School in Bradford is in outbreak with 18 cases linked to the outbreak, which was declared Oct. 1. This is an increase of three cases since yesterday's report. As of yesterday, seven classrooms were closed. 

An outbreak at St. Ann's Catholic School in Penetanguishene, was declared on Oct. 1 with four cases reported by the health unit. Two classrooms are closed.

The health unit has declared an outbreak at W.C. Little Elementary School in Barrie as of Sept. 28. There are now four cases linked to the school outbreak. One classroom is closed.

No cases were added to the outbreaks at St. Ann's or W.C. Little in today's update.

The health unit declares a school outbreak where there is evidence of person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 at the school. 

For more on the vaccination status of Simcoe-Muskoka cases and hospitalizations, click here.

Anyone born in 2009 or earlier living in Simcoe-Muskoka region can book their first or second dose of vaccine online via Ontario vaccine booking system. More appointments are added regularly for clinics throughout the region.

Breakdown by municipality

The health unit does sometimes remove a case or move them based on further investigation of location data. The chart below reflects updated totals for each municipality as reported by the health unit on Oct. 8.


Municipality Total cases** Recoveries Deaths In Hospital Last case reported Cumulative incidence rate* % of 12+ pop. with two doses of vaccine
Adj-Tosorontio 221 218 2   Oct. 5 1,865 64%
Barrie 4,501 4,324 124 4 Oct. 7 2,934 80.4%
Bradford W-G 2,232 2,170 38 1 Oct. 7 5,113 77.6%
Clearview 145 139 5   Oct. 7 965 73.4%
Collingwood 273 266 3   Oct. 7 1,107 88.9%
Essa 555 543 4 3 Oct. 7 2,302 82.6%
Innisfil 1,330 1,303 19   Oct. 6 3,226 73.7%
Midland 218 212 6   Sept. 26 1,191 83.9%
New Tecumseth  1,649 1,609 18   Oct. 7 3,895 76.9%
Orillia 362 347 8   Oct. 7 1,071 87.1%
Oro-Medonte 247 241 5   Oct. 5 1,059 91.4%
Penetanguishene 211 201 8   Sept. 30 2,189 86.7%
Ramara 127 124 1   Sept. 25 1,196 67.3%
Severn 92 88 3   Oct. 5 613 62.4%
Springwater 312 308 2   Oct. 2 1,456 87.6%
Tay 132 129 3   Sept. 24 1,177 86.6%
Tiny 144 141 2   Sept. 30 1,073 74.5%
Wasaga Beach 309 300 5 1 Oct. 7 1,303 81.9%

~Fully-vaccinated means an individual whose second dose was 14 or more days before the onset of COVID-19 symptoms.

*Cumulative incidence rate is the number of cases per 100,000 people reported to date

**Total cases include the number of cases currently recovering at home as well as any that have recovered, died, or are in hospital

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