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There will be no high school sport championships this fall

The provincial governing body cancelled the regular festivals and championships, but it's not clear yet if there will be fall sports at local schools
isabella holmgren running at arrowhead
Orillia athlete Isabella Holmgren pushes the pace along the beach at Arrowhead Provincial Park where she finished second to qualify for OFSAA last year. Contributed photo

The provincial body governing high school sports has cancelled its fall calendar of playoffs, but that might not prevent school sports entirely. 

Then again, it might. So far, it’s unclear.

On Wednesday, the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) posted a statement to say it was cancelling 2020 fall championships and festivals that were scheduled for October and November.

Typically, high school sports teams play against other schools in their region, with the goal of advancing to regional championships. Winners of regional titles move on to OFSAA, where they attempt to become provincial champs.

School sports, particularly secondary school sports, are part of the OFSAA programming and the competitive structure is geared toward championship events hosted by OFSAA. 

“The decision is in alignment with the province’s Stage 3 reopening regulations,” stated the notice posted by OFSAA on Twitter. “Those regulations apply a number of restrictions to sports and recreation activities that ultimately prohibit the possibility of an OFSAA event.” 

A statement issued by the Simcoe County District School Board noted area schools would resume physical education classes but those classes would include limited sharing of equipment and only activities that support physical distancing. 

The board said it was waiting on OFSAA before it made a decision regarding school sports. 

Since the OFSAA announcement, the board has still not made a decision on school sports. 

“[We] are working with our partners at the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit to determine the possibility of fall sports in our elementary and secondary schools,” read a statement provided by Sarah Kekewich, the board’s communication officer, in response to inquiries.

Dr. Charles Gardner, the medical officer of health for the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, said some sports and other extracurricular activities such as music will be problematic where physical distancing is not possible. 

“In an ideal world, we’d be able to do all those things because they’re certainly good for children,” said Gardner. “We need to strike a balance and do what we can that’s safe while taking our precautions.”

OFSAA also stated the status of the 2021 winter and spring championships will be determined later.

Simcoe Muskoka District Catholic School Board officials have not yet responded to requests for comment regarding the OFSAA announcement. 

Today, Premier Doug Ford did announce some loosening of provincial restrictions on sports, fitness, and recreation facilities. 

Beginning Saturday, facilities can have up to 50 patrons for each indoor sport or fitness room. 


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