A moose, that ambled its way on to the Casino Rama property Monday afternoon, has been safely removed from the property.
At one point, the moose worked its way behind a fencing barrier. It caused quite a stir among people who work at the gaming facility east of Orillia and those who were visiting the property. Many thought it was injured.
However, today, Rama Police posted an update on social media to let people know the moose is just fine.
Rama Police thanked Dr. Sherri Cox from National Wildfire Centre, along with Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources officials, Casino Rama security, Rama security and Rama grounds department staff for "assisting with the safe removal of the moose that was at Casino Rama" earlier today.
"The moose had no visible injuries or concerns but will be on its way to Aspen (an animal sanctuary) to be looked over and accessed by their veterinarian team," noted the social media post.
Rama Police said it's important to be careful around wildlife.
"As we go about our daily lives, let’s take a moment to remember that we share our environment with the diverse wildlife that calls it home," noted the social media post.
Rama Police Service would like to remind everyone to prioritize safety for both yourself and the wild animals that you may encounter:
- Keep your distance: Always observe wildlife from a safe distance. Approaching animals can be dangerous for both you and them.
- Stay on trails: Stick to designated paths to protect wildlife habitats and avoid surprises.
- Never feed wild animals: Human food can harm animals and alter their natural behaviours. Enjoy watching them, but let them forage naturally.
- Educate yourself: Learn about local wildlife and their behaviours to stay informed and safe.
- Be noise-conscious: Keep noise levels down to avoid stressing out the animals.
- Report sightings: If you see a wild animal in distress or behaving unusually, contact local wildlife authorities.