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Oro-Medonte man arrested twice in domestic assault investigation

Once man was released from custody he returned to the residence in contravention of his release conditions; firearm was seized as part of the investigation, say OPP

A domestic dispute has led to multiple charges for an Oro-Medonte man.

Around 8 a.m. on March 2, officers with the Orillia detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police responded to a domestic disturbance call at an address in Oro-Medonte Township.

At the scene, officers arrested a man as a result of an assault investigation.

He was released from custody with a future court date with several conditions, and safety planning was conducted with the victim. 

A firearm, and a possession and acquisition licence (PAL), were seized from the residence in accordance with the conditions placed on the accused.

Subsequently, police received a second call from a witness reporting that the man had returned to the residence. 

Police responded and the man was arrested again. He was additionally charged with:

  • two counts of fail to comply with an undertaking;
  • resist peace officer;
  • mischief; and
  • forcible entry

The accused was held for a bail hearing. 

The name of the accused will not be released to protect the identity of the victim.

"Victims of domestic violence are not alone, if you need support or know someone that does, there are local resources available to help," says a media release from the OPP. "If you need immediate assistance, please call 911."