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Check out what West Street looked like in 1915

Take a stroll down Memory Lane to a bygone era
2018-06-02 18 West St Mundells  Baptist Church 1915.jpg
This is a view of West Street, dated 1915.

Postcard Memories is a weekly series of historic postcard views and photos submitted by Marcel Rousseau. Some were previously published by the Orillia Museum of Art and History and in the book Postcard Memories Orillia.

This postcard view of West Street is dated 1915 and shows the Baptist Church and the front of the 79 West Street North building.

The Baptist Church at 65 West Street North dates from 1877. It was enlarged in 1895 and remained a church for 90 years until the First Baptist Church was erected in 1986 on Coldwater Road.

The building at 79 West Street was built by John McCosh in 1887-1888. In 1907, lumberman Thomas Sheppard bought the house and resided there until 1919 when Orillia jeweler Thomas B. Jebb purchased the home. In 1926, the Mundell Funeral Home relocated here.