For the right wing rich to be successful...all they have to do is convince the middle/working class, that every disappointment in their lives is the fault of poor people...sounds like they convinced you Hornet.
2 2
We went to NZ a year trip there is worth 20 to the US.
12 2
Thanks for all the help...
3 2
Ignore him...he's not going to Florida anymore than I am...just stirring the pot.
8 3
I'm not going...period. We can't take a stand only when it's convenient.
24 7 0
Good news...keep at it!! We are finding out that so many Canadian products are cheaper, and of superior quality. For so long we bought US good out of habit.
121 23 10
There are two people there I could vote for...but if that benefits PP, no chance.
2 4 1
The last rain did a lot of patient....crews have a big job ahead.
2 1 0
Arrest these people...NO plea agreements...publicly display their names and photos...seize every asset they own. This doesn't work out without people helping in Canada. Time to quit cuddling with these criminals.
0 0
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The generation before mine fought a war...and we can't handle a one hour change of the clock? What hogwash.
8 9 1