They both members of the IDU.
4 7
We do have American Helicopters flying over Canadian cities now.. so that's something
3 9
It's a Village Meida Poll. You can get the Data under each chart.
6 4
The Sault Star.
1 1
The ingredients?
Oh, so if a shot has formaldehyde in it, yet you smoke... you're getting formaldehyde anyways, so just get the shot and protect others..?
6 2
Also, you can lose immunity so it's good to.have your blood titres done or whatnot, see if you still have immunity or need a new one.
5 1
That works better when drug use is looked at, as a Health issue than a Judicial Issue.
The countries who do this have better outcomes.
13 9
Way to go Carter!!
3 1 0
I just wanted to add this article. It has to do with the IDU, China, and India in our Elections, and such. Since so many people act like the WEF is the only bad player here.
I hate Pollieve being linked up with Harper, Modi and Orban.. just to mention a few.
7 10 1
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People have lost benefits. They are now describing stories of people being told they are dead (by their databases).
6 5