In trying to get an understanding what Is going on. There is a suggestion that Trumps goal is to bring back manufacturing to the States ... True and he has said that over and over. To make "us" a lot richer!
What isn't being said is that "They" want to beat China to the AI (alternative intelligence) market.
With that it won't be Americans working in these factories ...It will be "Musk-ai-teers" robots made by Musk and little Donny Trump that works for Musk in his company.
Musk is slashing government jobs for trump just to make room for "their" AI program.
Trump and Musk are in bed together who knows if others are in it too.
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This may have been a theory , but now looks plausible
New world order has many similarities to what trump is doing
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And what news source do you prefer Mr lonely? Let me guess Joe Rogan?
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local radio has Fedeli endorsing native gas station ... which do not pay the taxes we all depend on for our country to run.
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Just last week information was unavailable to Ukraine about where Russian attack would come from shortly after Trump belittled Zelenski at the Whitehouse... quess what satellite is providing their information.
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Just to add to my comment. Gold stock rose to an all time high , so like I said with the teriffs slamming other stocks. More people are are turning to a safe place for their investment.
So by Trump manipulating the stock market is in fact Is making some people richer.
I wonder what outcome it would have if precious metals from Canada had tariffs exporting into USA would have
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Musk does care when his stocks take a nosedive along with Trump and all the other multi millionaires he is going to make richer.
He tanks the market ....they buy stocks cheap then he retracts and the stock goes back up then they sell before he tanks it again.
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We need every Canadian to pay taxes so Canadian government has the funds for infrastructure like fiber optics in the north, a pipeline that is accessible across Canada, better military. Just to mention a few.
Tax exempt to me is exempt from discussion.
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Huge tornado tears through USA this weekend. Let's see if they call on Canada for help and if Canada sends any.
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No listings have been posted by Another Joe
As a born and bred Canadian I have to say... Sorry Bill , but they will be buying Tesla's like every true patriotic American should... Even Trump endorsed them at the White House.
A Lada
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