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L. Canning

Member since: Apr, 2023

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MORANO, Beverley Miriam

MORANO, Beverley Miriam

Obituaries |

L. Canning commented

My condolences to all the Morano family. Lorne Canning

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CANNING, Herbert Clarence Alexander

CANNING, Herbert Clarence Alexander

Obituaries |

L. Canning replied

Correction to my memory statement. My Father Clarence Canning had 4 sisters and 8 brothers whom all passed before him. Lorne Canning

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L. Canning commented

Many great memories of my father. The trip to Vancouver Island, BC in the early 1970s. My first mini bike and family Polaris snow machine. The Accordion music lessons he enrolled me in. The Karate lessons he enrolled me in. He was one of my best employers for 12 years! He helped with my AZ licence with his company trucks. A career-oriented occupation I used all my life. He showed me many skills in masonry, concrete, roofing and framing. Skills I still use today! He helped set me up with my first home in Severn Bridge, a home I raised my family in and still reside at to this very day. I know my father had many struggles. The loss of his Parents at very young age. The death of his son George at just 2 years old. A house fire in Uhtoff on the farm we lived. He seen each of his other 4 sisters and 12 brothers pass before him. My Father was a strong survivor. So in conclusion my Father showed me the courage to survive as well. Great memories Dad. R.I.P. Lorne Canning

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Doug Ford’s challengers spotlight PCs' housing shortcomings in first election debate

Doug Ford’s challengers spotlight PCs' housing shortcomings in first election debate

2025 Provincial Election News |

L. Canning commented

Bonnie seem to have forgotten 2 people. DALTON McGuinty and kATHLEEN WYNN. However Ontario never. We don't want Liberal again

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Orillia Square mall wants to 'Share the Love' as it marks 50th year

Orillia Square mall wants to 'Share the Love' as it marks 50th year

Local News |

L. Canning commented

Compare this mall to other city malls and Orillia is pathetic. Shame on ownership how it got degraded over the years. It was a thriving and exciting place when it first started. Next step will be to board it up!

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Orillia woman vows to champion mental health in quest for Miss Regional Canada crown

Orillia woman vows to champion mental health in quest for Miss Regional Canada crown

Local News |

L. Canning commented

Good luck Katrina

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WALKER, Howard

WALKER, Howard

Obituaries |

L. Canning commented

Our condolences to all the Walker family. Howard was definitely a special man and will be missed by many. Lorne & Gail Canning

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HOLLMANN; Sandra Lee (nee Coombs)

HOLLMANN; Sandra Lee (nee Coombs)

Obituaries |

L. Canning commented

Our thoughts are with you Cory. Its always very difficult losing a parent at such a young age. If we can help you gain the strength to move forward and be a stronger person let us know. It is a real shame how the Coombs family got divided . With time you will come out a head. Uncle Lorne & Aunt Gail, Crystal and Chad

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Orillia's 'Tiger Girl' wins bronze on international kickboxing stage

Orillia's 'Tiger Girl' wins bronze on international kickboxing stage

Local Sports |

L. Canning commented

Congrats McKenna and Black Lotus. Orillia and much further are very proud right across the country. Remember a loss is also a win with the experience you gain and what you learned from it. Lorne Canning

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WALE, Gary Ronald

WALE, Gary Ronald

Obituaries |

L. Canning commented

My condolences to the Wale's family . So difficult losing both parents so close together. Also my thoughts with Brian and his family. Gary was a great neighbour. Lorne Canning

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