Just askin’ questions
Media has really corrupted. the minds of Canadians.
The comment section tells you everything you need to know.
8 11 1
Because they ask 1000 people and let that speak for an entire population.
Remember when polls told us Trump had 0% of winning the election in 2016?
Remember when the polls said Trump and Kamala are neck and neck in 2024?
Those same polls are telling us that the liberals are close with the conservatives and also have you ever been polled for the elections? Me neither.
18 41
Polls are completely made up
34 98 10
Just booked Florida for the fam in June.
Your boycotts wont cause a dent.
10 41 4
The only thing we learned from Covid is how easily Canadians are manipulated into hating one another.
And if you are vaccinated then you have nothing to worry about
4 3
Yes promote drinking alcohol, this is the solution.
Again lets leave the chinese tariffs on Canada out.
1 3 1
Mass hysteria when not one tariff has been implemented.
No talk on the 100% tariffs China has implemented on certain products.
Media telling Canadians to be mad about one thing but complete silence about the other.
10 19 2
Doesnt matter whos at the helm, you cant compete and try and make it a tariff war. They will win no matter what we implement. Our federal leaders are weak and not even working. Call an election and let the people vote and the adults get to work.
2 0
The LCBO workers are going to feel silly when the restock the shelves back with American alcohol and beer.
6 14 2
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The liberals dream.
2 1 0