If the sea can has a footprint as large as a legal shed or garage, the townships should have a right to tax it accordingly.
My pool shed at 8 x 12 did not need a permit so it is not taxed nor did I need a building permit. Sea cans should fall into that same line of thought.
3 1
I started when Michelle was president. Her first term.
13 52
Let this be a lesson for us all.
We should never elect a person who was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never knew the struggles the common man faces in their daily lives.
7 4 2
What's stopping a Canadian company from launching satellites to offer the same service as Starlink?
6 3 5
As long as British Columbia, Quebec and Native groups oppose any pipelines or mines, we stand divided.
Just imagine the riches this great country could enjoy if projects could see the light of day.
Good paying jobs for everyone.
8 3 1
There's different levels of conformity.
You ridicule them for being not conformist yet you appear to be most compliant.
Do you not question things in life? You should!
6 3
Trudeau has been in power for 9 years. Our lower standards of living is absolutely on him. Keep in mind, that Carney was advising him on fiscal policies. How's that working out for the populace? And you guys want more of that??
10 11
The snowmobile trail has been there for more than 20 years. What are you eluding to?
Is the blasting being done by a local company? Bay Blasting.
Just in time really as Trout Creek arena is scheduled to close due to a suspect roof.
Do you know how many NB teams practice there twice a week?
4 3 0
The board knew she wasn’t local when she was on the ballot. It was a shock to most that she was voted in.
Start over.
8 2
No listings have been posted by coffee_cup
They miss Scott Wray for the PP.
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