My bridge fare is 3.84 each way
1 6 0
He's ditching the carbon tax to add a new more expensive tax and coors light at 4.5% in us is same as Canada 87 octane is 87 octane us or Canada so whoever told you the octane is lower needs to wake up ... as for the milk lock city is terrible and been drinking their milk for 40 yrs
2 10 0
And even across irs still 28 cents per liter cheaper than indigenous gas
9 25
Except for gas milk and beer!
17 82
Not gone he's gonna turn it into something else with even more cost to Canadians
12 14
Should start at the top
5 1 0
Protesting or boycotting the people who have nothing to do with their presidents decisions.
16 33 3
That's the narcissistic way!
4 1
Should have more than 2 flights a day for convenience. When there's a storm and your on the last flight of the day and it's cancelled but have a connection in Toronto next morning it's really inconvenient
3 0 0
No listings have been posted by Jay92
If people think times are rough and tough now wait if Carney gets in were in deep trouble carbon tax through the roof .he can pause it but can't eliminate it without parliament.. no one can deal with trump .but pipelines and long gas to other countries will happen under pp Carney will not allow anything!
25 11