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Ready to upgrade? These 5 household items may be past their prime

With the arrival of spring officially here, many people are looking to do a deep clean of their homes, which includes evaluating their household items for potential upgrades.

With the arrival of spring officially here, many people are looking to do a deep and thorough cleaning of their home following the winter season.

During this time, people often focus on de-cluttering and organizing their living space, getting rid of items they no longer need or use, refreshing their home by removing dust, dirt, and grime that has accumulated over time, and even taking a look at your household items and appliances and seeing what needs to be upgraded and replaced. 

But how often should you be upgrading your home appliances and electronics? If you've lived in the same home for more than a decade, it could be time to start considering some replacements. Many household essentials have a lifespan of around 10 years, so keeping an eye on their performance can help you ensure optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Here are five items to pay particular attention to:



On average, a refrigerator can last 10 to 12 years, which means the technology may be outdated if you've had it for a while. Upgrading to a newer model can result in more energy-efficient consumption and lower bills.

Washer and dryer:


You can expect a washer and dryer set to last for 10 to 13 years, but if they're leaking, making strange noises, or taking a long time to dry small loads, it's time to upgrade.

Although these appliances are an investment, you could save money in the long run since older models are often less efficient in terms of water and electricity usage.



High-usage kitchen appliances, like microwaves, tend to wear out faster. The average lifespan for a microwave is around seven years with normal use. If your food is burning or the plate isn't rotating correctly, it's time to head to your local appliance store.



A well-maintained laptop can last three to five years, although the average age of a laptop in Canada is four years old. If your laptop is struggling with basic tasks and slowing down, it's time for a replacement.

Look for a model with the Intel Evo sticker if you're unsure where to start – it's a quality assurance badge that can simplify the buying process.



The industry standard for an LED television set is 100,000 hours, or about 10 years. However, the more power your TV uses due to high contrast and brightness settings, the shorter its lifespan. So, reducing your TV's power usage could help extend its lifespan.

Are you uncertain about whether to repair or replace your home technology?

A helpful guideline to follow is if the device has surpassed the halfway point of its lifespan and the cost of repair is equivalent to or more than half the cost of a new replacement, then it's usually wise to opt for a replacement.

This decision can save you future headaches, costly repairs, and money. However, remember to recycle your old equipment to reduce your carbon footprint.

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