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LETTER: Conservatives ignoring the warnings of science, children

The climate damages will be irreversible and devastating for the future generations, says concerned letter writer
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You are driving home in a car with your two older children (aged 12 and 14 years). You are expecting an important call and you answer it on speaker-phone.

Your children scream as the car drifts off the road but you are able to regain control of the vehicle. After a few more minutes on the phone, the car again leaves the road and strikes a tree.

One of your children is critically injured. The other child hears you explain to the police that you swerved to miss a skunk on the road, but she knows the truth.

Later, after years of festering anger about the one child left in a wheelchair, your family falls apart.

The Conservative Government is driving dangerously with respect to its negligent inaction on climate change. Conservatives are ignoring the warnings of science and our children.

Just like the “critically injured” child, the climate damages will be irreversible and devastating for the future generations. Our children will condemn and resent your lies, your inaction and the massive expense of living in the damaged world they inherited.

I dare Conservative politicians to look into the eyes your own children (grandchildren, nieces and nephews) and tell them that your government is doing the very best it can do to protect them in this climate change crisis. (See the Auditor General's report).

Go on the record, so that years from now your children can remember what you did or did not do.

David Howell
