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LETTER: Freedom Convoy organizers need Jesus to take the wheel

Bible provides guidance for such disputes, says letter writer, who urges prayer meetings so 'that we may live peaceful and quiet lives'
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Protesters made signs and shouted cries for freedom last week during a Freedom Convoy rally at the Orillia Square Mall. Tyler Evans/OrilliaMatters File Photo

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor ([email protected]) This letter is about the Freedom Convoy and its fallout.
The truckers' Freedom Convoy is much in the news. Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau would have called it "a real or apprehended insurrection". He had a law to invoke, to deal with that. A reporter asked him, "Will you really?" He gave one of the great replies of Canadian politics: "Watch me!"

Present PM Justin Trudeau is no coward, however he does not have that old law to employ; but also, works from a different ethos.

Some support the truckers, vehemently. Others oppose them. When they desecrated the war memorials, they lost all credibility with me. My family fought and died for their freedom. More than once. When they despise my family, they despise me, too.

I ask, how many leaders of this convoy could drive a truck load of logs out one of the narrow hilly curvy logging roads in Algonquin Park, in February?

But more important, have they had any prayer meetings? They curse the PM; but this is what God says in the Bible:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. --1Timothy 2:1‭-‬2 (NIV)

The king in question was Nero. There was not a more evil one for 30 years. Yet we were to pray for him. Must be a purpose to it, a practical result from it.

Hmm. What a concept!

Ralph Wood
