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LETTER: Illegal dumping along local road 'unacceptable'

'It's infuriating to see someone treating our community like their personal landfill,' says letter writer

OrilliaMatters welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

I’m writing to express my frustration and concern over the growing issue of illegal dumping along Bass Lake Sideroad East, near Notre Dame Catholic School.

Over the past several weeks, I’ve noticed an increasing amount of garbage being dumped in this area. What started as the occasional piece of litter has now escalated to full bags of household waste being irresponsibly discarded.

It’s infuriating to see someone treating our community like their personal landfill. What kind of person does this? Is it pure laziness, a disregard for the environment, or a complete lack of respect for the community we all share? Whatever the motivation, it’s unacceptable.

Beyond being an eyesore, this dumping creates a health and environmental hazard. Wildlife can get into the garbage, spreading it further, and the waste can contaminate the surrounding area. Additionally, it puts an unfair burden on others to clean up after someone who clearly has no regard for the consequences of their actions.

I urge the City of Orillia or Oro-Medonte Township to take a closer look at this issue. Increased monitoring, signage, or even fines for illegal dumping might help deter this kind of behaviour. More importantly, I hope that whoever is responsible takes a hard look at their actions and realizes that their selfishness is impacting an entire community.

If anyone has information about the person responsible for this, I encourage them to report it. Our community deserves better.

Nathan Rehm