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COLUMN: March is a time of great anxiety for local wildlife

COLUMN: March is a time of great anxiety for local wildlife

The survival of everything from moose to beavers to pond fish and much more will be determined by the weather in the coming days and weeks, says columnist
COLUMN: Hungry 'butcher bird' lives up to its nasty reputation

COLUMN: Hungry 'butcher bird' lives up to its nasty reputation

'We must learn about, and accept, death as being a very important part of nature. When it happens ... it allows the living to go on living,' columnist explains
COLUMN: Should we be worried about the snow on our roof?

COLUMN: Should we be worried about the snow on our roof?

'Snow is water and water is one of the heaviest elements found in nature,' warns columnist who says there are many factors to consider when it comes to snow load
COLUMN: Tired of winter's fury? Try being a hungry deer!

COLUMN: Tired of winter's fury? Try being a hungry deer!

Critters like deer, moose, fox and coyote are having a real challenge getting around to find their daily intake of nutrition this winter, says columnist
COLUMN: Winter makes for harsh hunting conditions for this small owl

COLUMN: Winter makes for harsh hunting conditions for this small owl

Saw-whet owls are effective hunters in warm weather, 'but this is mid-winter and the snow lies deep upon the ground,' says columnist
COLUMN: Hibernation is rarest of winter survival techniques

COLUMN: Hibernation is rarest of winter survival techniques

Animals either hibernate, migrate, adapt or die, says columnist of techniques used to survive our harsh Canadian winters
COLUMN: Barred owls go to ground to take bite out of frozen prey

COLUMN: Barred owls go to ground to take bite out of frozen prey

Frozen bunny burger proved a challenge, but patient owl sat on the carcass — as if on a nest of eggs — for several hours, until he was ready to dine and dash
COLUMN: Beware the call of the wild ... it's coyote mating season

COLUMN: Beware the call of the wild ... it's coyote mating season

Coyotes have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to shifting landscape and are adept at finding food in wintry weather, says columnist
COLUMN: Do you feel that icy wind chill? It's cold by any scale

COLUMN: Do you feel that icy wind chill? It's cold by any scale

Wind chill affects only things that naturally give off heat, like people and animals and that's why it's important to take heed, says columnist
COLUMN: You may be surprised at what's happening beneath snow

COLUMN: You may be surprised at what's happening beneath snow

'There is indeed a zone between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the snowpack, and a lot goes on there all winter long,' explains columnist